NSR - Constitution

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NSR Constitution

1 Introduction

1.1 The co-operation

The Nordic co-operating council (NSR) is a coordinating body between the Lions Multiple Districts 101 Sweden, 104 Norway, 106 Denmark, 107 Finland and 109 Iceland. In the Council, each of the Multiple Districts is represented by the Council Chairperson (CC), all District Governors (DG’s) and one representative appointed by The Council of Governors.
Each of member MD has a voting right of one vote. For a decision in matters not concerning finance or changing the Constitution, a simple majority is needed. For matters concerning finance or changing the Constitution, each Multiple District has one vote and the decision must be taken unanimously. The voting must take place in a NSR Council meeting.
If a Council representative is unable to attend a Council meeting, the Multiple District Council can appoint a substitute with the same rights and responsibilities.
Leos and other countries are invited to participate in NSR as observers without voting rights.

1.2 Objective

The objective of the NSR is to enforce relationship with and presence in the Lions Clubs International, with Lions Clubs in Europe and to organize joint service projects, as well as to strengthen the membership and leadership of the Lion members in the Nordic countries.
The NSR is based on principles of solidarity and mutual understanding among Nordic Lions countries as laid out in the NSR Constitution.

1.3 Strategy

In order to work towards the objectives of the NSR:

  • The NSR shall represent the Nordic countries as a coherent entity in international Lions meetings (Convention, Europa Forum).
  • The NSR shall organize joint service projects.
  • The NSR shall strengthen the membership and leadership by training and guiding.
  • The NSR shall support cultural cooperation.

1.4 Working Platform

The NSR is a forum that enables Lions to meet in annual gatherings, exchange ideas and support the Nordic membership and leadership programs. All Lions club members in the five Multiple Districts have the right to attend and to participate in Council meetings without voting rights.
The Council operates in accordance with the LCI Constitution and By-Laws.
The NSR organizes every second year one or more joint service projects in the field of charity within the budgetary framework set by the council. The NSR can also organize cooperationand service projects outside its budgetary constraints provided the council members approve such projects unanimously and has the support of the participating countries.

1.5 Responsibilities

As a joint Nordic forum, the NSR shall

  • Debate and conclude in its council meetings on initiatives, projects and other activities concerning the Nordic co-operation
  • Agree a budget for the NSR and its operatives

1.6 Joint representation

Wherever the NSR or its members take jointly part in Conventions, Europe Forum etc., it shall be presented as: „Lions of Scandinavia”.

2 Structure of the NSR

The NSR’s supreme authority is carried by the council meeting. The NSR CC Board is the body responsible for the NSR between the annual meetings of the council and is composed of the CC’s of the member countries. The NSR CC Board is supported by the NSR operating committee (NSR OC) that is composed of experienced lions, one from each member country, elected for a term of five years at a time.
The NSR OC prepares the council meetings, makes the budget for the NSR and has the responsibility to prepare the accounts for the Council. The NSR OC appoints a member to an organizing host committee for each NSR event.
The NSR has permanent standing committees on different joint Nordic assignments. International Director, ID, informs the NSR on the work of the International Board of Directors.

International Director   NSR Council meeting    
 Coordinator   NSR CC Board    


IR-committee   GMT/GLT - committee Other committees


2.1 Committees

The standing committees organize their own work within the framework set by the NSR.
Other committees can meet if necessary.

3 Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines

3.1 Coordinator

The coordinator facilitates the joint Nordic activities at the International Convention.
The NSR coordinator is elected for a period of two years. The nomination rotates among the Nordic countries according to Appendix 1 section 4.The coordinator should speak and write English, and be able to communicate in a “Scandinavian” language.
The coordinator is a PDG that has attended at least two international conventions, and has in addition experience in the NSR work. Exceptions to this rule have to be agreed upon by the CC Board. He/she has to follow the updated Coordinator’s handbook.

3.2 Role and Responsibilities of International Director (ID)

Candidates for International Directors are elected by each member country according to the Rotation List of European International Directors (made by the European Steering Committee and accepted in the European Council Meeting at the Europa Forum). Candidates for International Directors from the Nordic countries are introduced at the NSR Council Meeting as well as at the Europe Forum.
International Directors are elected and endorsed according to the International Constitution and By-Laws.
The NSR expects the current International Director(s) elected from the Nordic countries to represent Nordic Lions’ interests on international level, assist in handling local issues and to follow the Nordic Lions effort as detailed below:

  • Through LION magazine from the Nordic countries
  • Though minutes of and attendance (if possible) in the Council of Governors Meetings in each country
  • By getting copies of letters from the Nordic countries to the International Board of Directors
  • By being an international speaker in Nordic Countries’ MD Conventions and by taking invitations to clubs, zones and districts in order by carrying out seminars and delivering speeches as described in the Board Policy Manual and by carrying out all other ID-duties.
  • By sending a report to the NSR CC Board after each Board Meeting of the International Board of Directors, with copies forwarded to the IPs, PIPs, PIDs in the NSR member countries as well as the editors of LION magazine.
  • By informing his/her successor of the work at the International Board of Directors.
  • The expenses for the ID’s participation at NSR should be covered according to point

3.3 Chairperson of the NSR CC Board

The CC of the country that arranges the NSR automatically acts as that year’s chairperson in the NSR CC Board and chairperson of the NSR Council meeting. If the chairperson of the NSR CC Board is not able to attend a CC meeting, the CC from the country that is arranging the next NSR will act as chairperson of the CC meeting (and so on).
If the chairperson of the NSR CC Board doesn’t attend the NSR meeting, the governors from the arranging country should appoint a substitute.
If the chairperson of the NSR CC Board is not able to hold his/her post until the end of the year, the CC from the country that arranges the next NSR will act as chairperson for the rest of the year.

3.4 Nordic co-operation with/in the Europa Forum

The NSR CC Board meets at the Europa Forum. The NSR OC ensures that any Europa Forum resolution are processed and implemented within the NSR.
If the Nordic countries and eventually other countries in the same group should elect a representative to any EF committee, the CC chairperson is responsible for informing the other countries on duties related to this post. The proposal for a representative from the Nordic countries should be elected in the CC meeting held during the International Convention.

3.5 Joint Nordic IR project

The NSR runs one or more joint projects. Nordic IR projects shall be approved by the NSR Council meeting. Each project is run by principals approved by the NSR. The budget for the service projects are set by the NSR Council according to agreements between the member countries.

4 Financing of the NSR’s expenses

The NSR makes the annual financial plan to cover the costs for administration, activities during LCI convention and other activities decided by the NSR.

4.1 The Administrative Budget

The expenses covered by the administrative budget are listed in the point 10 in the By-laws.
The expenses of the administration budget shall be borne by the member countries in proportion to the number of members in each country (LCI figures) as of June 30th each year.

4.2 Budget for NSR IR project

The budget for a NSR IR project is based on an agreed amount per member as of June 30th (LCI figures).
The total amount is divided according to an agreement among the 5 countries. See point 11 in the By-Laws.

5 Expenses for participation in National Conventions

Expenses for the official representatives and spouses are covered according to point 9 in the NSR BY-Laws appendix 1

6 Resignation

Each Multiple District can resign from the NSR. A note of resignation shall immediately be sent to the Chairperson of the NSR CC Board.
All economic responsibilities to NSR have to be settled before the resignation.
The resignation is effective as of the 1st of July in the year after decision on resignation is taken and notified to the Chairperson of the NSR CC Board.
A Multiple District can apply for a new entry in NSR. The application must be approved by the MD convention in the country. A re-entry shall be unanimously approved in a NSR Council meeting.

7 Dissolving NSR

The decision to dissolve NSR can only be taken unanimously by the member countries and must be voted in a NSR Council meeting to be valid.
The recommendation of dissolving the NSR must come from the Council of Governors in each MD after consideration and approval in MD national conventions.

8 Amending

This Constitution may be amended only in a NSR Council meeting by resolution of the NSR CC Board. Each Multiple District has one vote. Any amendment must be approved unanimously.